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Stay Safe When Driving Alone

It’s nice to have a family member or friend riding a passenger in your vehicle while you drive in places in Tennessee—not only for companionship but also for safety. In fact, recent research found that solo drivers are more likely to be targeted by criminals due to a lack of witnesses. As such, be sure to keep the following safety precautions in mind whenever you are driving alone.

·         Have your keys in your hand when you are walking to your vehicle.

·         If you are in an unsafe area, pre-dial 911 on your cell phone before walking to your vehicle.

·         If you will be leaving after dark, park in an area that is well-lit and always lock your vehicle every time you get out.

·         If you have been followed to your vehicle or suspect that someone is hiding in or near it, quickly move away and get help immediately. Always trust your instincts.

·         If you believe you are being followed, do not drive home. Drive to the nearest safe, well-lit place and call 911.

·         Look around and under your vehicle when you return to it. Check for flat tires, which may indicate that someone tampered with your vehicle.

·         Look inside all the windows to make sure that no one is hiding in the back seat. If you notice anything suspicious, go find help immediately.

·         Lock your vehicle doors once you are inside and keep the windows up whenever possible.

·         If you are rear-ended, do not get out of your vehicle unless you are in a safe, public area.

·         Notify your family and friends where you are going and when you are expected to arrive.

Utilize Your Vehicle’s Panic Button

If you are walking to your vehicle and notice someone who looks suspicious, hold down the panic button on your vehicle’s key fob or remote to signal trouble. This practice may deter the person because of the loud noise and attention that you are making. If you are inside of your vehicle and sense trouble, honk your horn repeatedly to get others’ attention.

Call our office today at 423.541.1111 to learn more about all of our automobile insurance and personal risk management solutions.