Be Prepared for an Intruder

Be Prepared for an Intruder

Even with proper security measures in place, there is always a chance that an intruder will attempt to invade your home. Although this is a frightening concept for many individuals, it’s crucial to be ready for such a scenario in order to keep yourself and your family members safe. Consider the following guidance to be prepared for a potential home intruder.

Preparing for an Intruder

  • Put an emergency intruder response plan in place and discuss it with everyone in your household. Include the following information in your plan:

  1. Determine a system for notifying others in the house of the intruder.

  2. Designate an escape route, if feasible, from the home in the event that the intruder is armed and dangerous.

  3. Discuss other emergency action steps and make sure everyone is aware of what kind of action they should take in the event of an intruder.

If an Intruder Appears

  • Call 911 immediately and follow the steps in your emergency intruder response plan.

  • Take any measure possible to let the intruder know someone is home and aware of their presence. This might include turning on lights or triggering your home alarm system.

  • Never assume the intruder is unarmed. They may be concealing a knife or gun and could produce it at a moment’s notice.

  • If you have something immediately available you can use for defense, such as a baseball bat, use it—even if it is just a scare tactic and you do not plan to swing it.

  • Be a good observer. Take note of the intruder’s physical characteristics and provide the most accurate description possible to the police if they get away.

Try to Avoid Violence

In most states, it is legal to use force against someone who is not authorized to be in your house or on your property. However, try to avoid resorting to violence unless absolutely necessary, because of the risk of being arrested or facing serious charges. If you injure an intruder, you could end up in a legal battle or having to pay them a large amount of money for the injuries, as unfair as it seems.

For more additional home security guidance and homeowners insurance solutions, contact us today.

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