Make Security Your Top Priority

Make Security Your Top Priority

Keeping your home and family safe should be one of your top priorities. Specifically, it’s important to protect your household from the risk of invasion.

After all, a home invasion can have numerous consequences—including stolen or damaged property and the potential for harm to your family. Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to bolster the security of your home. Consider these top security measures.

  • Install adequate motion-sensor lighting outside every entrance and in poorly lit areas of your home.

  • Install a peephole, chain bolt lock and deadbolt lock on every door to the outside.

  • Keep your windows locked at all times.

  • Store the keys to your property in safe and secure places. Don’t leave spare keys in common hiding spots—such as under the doormat.

  • Keep bushes and trees around your house well-manicured and cut low so that you have a clear view of the exterior of your home.

  • Install timer-controlled lights in the interior and exterior of your home to give the illusion that someone is at home.

  • Purchase a quality home security system from a company with a reputable history and track record. There are many different types of models, so be sure to make a selection that can suit the unique needs of your specific household and living situation.

The Value of a Security System

Though a home security system may seem like an expensive investment, it’s worth the cost to help protect your property and your family. What’s more, you may even get a discount on your homeowners insurance premium for having the system in place.

For more home security guidance and homeowners' insurance solutions, contact RISE Insurance today at (423) 541-1111.

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