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Smoke Detector Maintenance

Smoke detectors are one of the most important safety devices you can install in your home in Chattanooga. Once you’ve installed smoke detectors, it’s absolutely vital to test them regularly to ensure they will work during a fire. With this in mind, be sure to follow these tips to select effective smoke detectors and keep them in good condition.

Selecting Effective Smoke Detectors

When selecting a smoke detector, keep the following in mind:

  •  Photoelectric units are better for smoldering fires—such as electrical fires in the walls—so they’re ideal for kitchens and bathrooms where these fires tend to occur.

  • Ionization units give the surrounding air an electrical charge and then measure whether the charge remains constant or if a fire consumes the oxygen in the air. These units are better suited to areas where fires get out of control, such as a basement or near a furnace.

    Taking Care of Smoke Detectors

    Use these steps to ensure that your smoke detectors are working properly:

  • Press the test button on the unit and wait for it to sound.

  • Light a candle and hold it 6 inches below the detector so that the heated air will rise up into the detector.

  • If the alarm doesn’t sound within 20 seconds, blow out the candle and let the smoke rise.

  • If the alarm still doesn’t sound, open the detector and clean the unit. Then, test the unit again.

  • If the detector still isn’t working, it should be replaced immediately.

    Don’t Forget About Batteries

    Replacing smoke detector batteries is critical to their usefulness. A great way to remember to change your smoke detectors’ batteries is to do so twice a year, during daylight saving time. When you set your clocks forward or back an hour, also change your smoke detectors’ batteries to keep your home and your family safe.

    For more home maintenance guidance and homeowners, insurance solutions contact RISE Insurance at 423-541-1111 or email us at info@riseins.com we will be glad to assist you.