Protect Against Risks with an Umbrella Policy

Protect Against Risks with an Umbrella Policy

In the event that someone is injured on your property and you are found legally responsible, you could be faced with a costly financial burden. Your underling home and auto policies include a specific amount of liability coverage. Once that limit is met you could be left paying the difference. Luckily, an umbrella policy can step in when your other coverage isn’t enough.

Personal umbrella liability insurance provides an extra layer of protection over your personal assets for when your standard liability coverage is exhausted.

Engaging in everyday activiites can put you at risk for a lawsuite.

Simple things like having a swimming pool or entertaining guests in your home can increase the chance that someone will get injured and sue you. To minimize your risk, consider a personal umbrella liability policy.

Why is a personal umbrella liability policy important?

It works to fill the gaps in your coverage and provides the following benefits:

  • When litigation ensues, it’s typically for a large amount. If you get into a car accident and injure several people, you could be sued for millions of dollars; well beyond the limits of your automobile policy. You can also be held responsible if your dog bites someone, if your child injures another kid in a fight at school or if a handyman hurts himself at your home.

  • Umbrella policies cover legal fees because the insurance company assumes the risk, not you.

  • Coverage is relatively inexpensive and easy to obtain with the required underlying policy limits. Our Rise Insurance advisors can help answer all your questions.

  • You’ll have peace of mind knowing that you are covered in case of a fluke occurrence.

How much coverage do you need?

Take into consideration your total personal assets and your potential for personal risks when determining how much coverage you need. A wide range of factors, such as whether you have hired help, if you have teen drivers at home or if you operate your business out of your home, will determine how much coverage is appropriate for your circumstances.

For more information on umbrella coverage for your home, auto, business and family insurance contact RISE Insurance at 423-541-1111 or for a free policy review to make sure you are properly covered.

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