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Why use an Independent agent?

What a great question! Like many people I ran from the word insurance before I got into the businesses because it was confusing and time consuming. And the term, independent insurance agent, was not something I wanted an education on. Boy was I doing myself a disservice.

The truth is, everyone has to have some form of insurance and no one wants to spend more than they have to in time or money on the renewal or quoting process. Enter the Independent Agent! In a do it yourself age independant agents are the best thing going and here’s why:

  1. They do all the work

  2. They get multiple quotes for you to compare side by side

  3. They are experts who understand all the hazards and similar but different terminology

  4. Most agents are great business advisors as well, they’ve been around and seen a lot

  5. They save you money!

Once you’ve realized your better off asking for help then just getting a quick quote off some web site please call us. We are sincerely happy to help with all the ins and outs.